exercise, MODSEDEN

Exercise And Endorphins

Exercise And Endorphins give the synergy we need for our daily functioning.

Why We Should Exercise Regularly To Get Those Endorphins Working For Us

Typically, most people associate the need for exercising with weight loss.

The truth is that exercising is the cheapest way to manage some health conditions like depression, hypertension, diabetes, and many more others.

Will exercise alone cure these diseases?

The answer is No!

But without exercising in most of these disease conditions, the prognosis of a cure increasingly diminishes.

What are Endorphins?

Endorphins are hormones located in the central nervous system and the brain, and their primary functions are physiologic.

They are peptides produced by the brain, and they function primarily in our bodies by binding to the opiate receptors. In doing this, they reduce our perception of pain and put us in a euphoric state- a state of happiness, and this is why endorphins are referred to as the feel-good hormones.

Unfortunately, understanding how endorphins work will make you know some very unusual facts. Medicine and science have done an excellent job synthesizing many of the drugs we use because of n understanding of what the body lacks and needs. Endorphins, however, are one of those body’s chemical substances that are not sold; many drugs, some natural and some synthesized, are used to trick the body by binding to these opiate receptors, but their function is not as effective.

 Substances like coffee, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, etc. go into the body pretending to work the same way as endorphins; the body is initially tricked into believing they’re what they pretend to be, and you get that temporary pain relief or that euphoric feeling often referred to as feeling high. These, however, only last for a short time, as the body needs more to feel that initial pain relief or feel that high you felt. As the body needs more to create that initial feeling or buzz, the user increases the dose incessantly, essentially how the chain of addiction happens.

How do you get Endorphins?

Unfortunately, this concept is what drives addiction, and this is why it has become a universal problem across every age group. When you start a game with your body, you have to understand the body wins.

Endogenous endorphins, especially beta-endorphins and beta-lipotropic endorphins, are known to increase in response to exercise and synchronized physical activities. When elevated in the serum due to training or physical activities, beta-endorphin concentrations cause psychological and physiological changes such as altered pain perception, euphoria, and mood changes, often optimistic. Excessive rigorous exercise is also associated with menstrual changes in females, especially athletes undergoing thorough training. Endorphins are linked to stress responses of some hormones, catecholamines, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, and ACTH.

Cardio, moderate exercise, and weight training trigger endorphin release.

Would you instead take a long walk on the beach, on the boardwalk, or on your street to get that positive change, or would you instead pop a pill or use an illicit drug?

These questions should run through our minds before using any stimulant: coffee, cigarette, cocaine, etc.

Physical exercise helps people with depression and most mood disorders. It reduces the feeling of sadness and loathing. It is known to ease anxiety also markedly. This is why most health coaches incorporate this in your wellness journey

We have to exercise frequently. Squeezing an exercise regimen into your schedule once you wakeup  in the morning gets those endorphins going and sets the tone for the rest of the day,

Other modes of endorphin release include-

Eating healthy, balanced diets, chocolates, and spicy food( these must not be your only strategy to get those endorphins. Sex also gets those endorphins.

Especially during this period of the Covid19 Pandemic, and until this monstrous is finally eradicated, it is paramount to have a regular exercise regimen for both young and old members of your family.

Our mental health should be protected within our limits. Continued maintenance of our physical and mental health and continued improvements will make the difference in who survives the Pandemic despite government regulations or lack of appropriate rules.

 Exercise and Endorphins

Why exercise?

Typically, most people associate the need for exercising with weight loss.

The truth is that exercising is the cheapest way to manage some health conditions like depression, hypertension, diabetes, and many more others.

Will exercise alone cure these diseases?

The answer is No!

But without exercising in most of these disease conditions, the prognosis of a cure increasingly diminishes.

What are Endorphins?

Endorphins are hormones located in the central nervous system and the brain, and their primary functions are physiologic.

They are peptides produced by the brain, and they function primarily in our bodies by binding to the opiate receptors. In doing this, they reduce our perception of pain and put us in a euphoric state- a state of happiness, and this is why endorphins are referred to as the feel-good hormones.

exercise, MODSEDEN

Unfortunately, understanding how endorphins work will make you know some very unusual facts. Medicine and science have done an excellent job synthesizing many of the drugs we use because of n understanding of what the body lacks and needs. Endorphins, however, are one of those body’s chemical substances that are not sold; many drugs, some natural and some synthesized, are used to trick the body by binding to these opiate receptors, but their function is not as effective.

 Substances like coffee, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, etc. go into the body pretending to work the same way as endorphins; the body is initially tricked into believing they’re what they pretend to be, and you get that temporary pain relief or that euphoric feeling often referred to as feeling high. These, however, only last for a short time, as the body needs more to feel that initial pain relief or feel that high you felt. As the body needs more to create that initial feeling or buzz, the user increases the dose incessantly, which is essentially how the chain of addiction happens.

Unfortunately, this concept is what drives addiction, and this is why it has become a universal problem across every age group. When you start a game with your body, you have to understand the body wins. It literally makes our life easy if we understand the value of exercise and endorphins.

How do you get Endorphins?

Endogenous endorphins, especially beta-endorphins and beta-lipotropic endorphins, are known to increase in response to exercise and synchronized physical activities. When elevated in the serum due to exercise or physical activities, beta-endorphin concentrations cause psychological and physiological changes such as altered pain perception, euphoria, and mood changes, often optimistic. Excessive rigorous exercise is also associated with menstrual changes in females, especially athletes undergoing thorough training. Endorphins are also linked to stress responses of some hormones, catecholamines, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, and ACTH. It is important people understand the interplay between exercise and endorphins.

Cardio, moderate exercise, and weight training trigger endorphin release.

exercise, MODSEDEN

Would you instead just take a long walk on the beach, on the boardwalk, or on your street to get that positive change, or would you instead pop a pill or use an illicit drug?

These questions should run through our minds before using any stimulant: coffee, cigarette, cocaine, etc.

exercise, MODSEDEN

Physical exercise helps people with depression and most mood disorders. It reduces feelings of sadness and loathing. It is known to markedly reduce anxiety also.

It is our individual duty to exercise frequently. Squeezing an exercise regimen into your schedule once you wake up  in the morning gets those endorphins going and sets the tone for the rest of the day,

Other modes of endorphin release include

Eating good healthy balanced diets, eating chocolates ,and spicy food( these must not be your only strategy to get those endorphins. Sex also gets those endorphins.

During the period of the Covid19 Pandemic and until this monstrous is finally eradicated, it is paramount to have a regular exercise regimen for both young and old members of your family.

Our individual mental health should be protected within our own limits. Continued maintenance of our physical and mental health and continued improvements will make the difference in who survives the Pandemic despite government regulations or lack of.

exercise, MODSEDEN

Choose your exercise type according to your state of health.

Before embarking on any rigorous exercise regimen, consult with your doctor or a health coach

It is our individual duty to exercise frequently. Squeezing an exercise regimen into your schedule once you wake up in the morning gets those endorphins going and sets the tone for the day,


Choose your exercise type according to your state of health. The importance of understanding exercise and endorphins is synergistic and cannot be overemphasized as it is one of the cheapest ways to maintain both physical and mental health. It is wise to work with a health and wellness expert to guide you on the right regimen for your specific goals.

Before embarking on any rigorous exercise regimen, consult with your health professional.

We must exercise frequently. Squeezing an exercise regimen into your schedule once you wake up in the morning gets those endorphins going and sets the tone for the day,


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